Happy Tails Blog

beagle hound dog sitting couch steal spot dominance

Why Does My Dog Steal My Spot When I Get Up?

Have you ever gotten up from the couch or bed and returned to see your dog curled up in your spot? This isn't an uncommon experience for us dog owners. But...

Why Does My Dog Steal My Spot When I Get Up?

Have you ever gotten up from the couch or bed and returned to see your dog curled up in your spot? This isn't an uncommon experience for us dog owners. But...

siberian husky kissing young woman lady on hay bail outside at sunset

How To Tell Your Dog You Love Them In Ways They...

We love our dogs so much. They are truly part of the family. But because they don't speak our language, it's hard to tell them how much we love them....

How To Tell Your Dog You Love Them In Ways They...

We love our dogs so much. They are truly part of the family. But because they don't speak our language, it's hard to tell them how much we love them....

golden retriever dog shepherd collie dog licking kissing in love

Can Dogs Fall In Love?

101 Dalmatians is one fo the most well-known movies about dogs. It begins with the main male dog, Pongo, searching for a mate for his human and himself. He spots...

Can Dogs Fall In Love?

101 Dalmatians is one fo the most well-known movies about dogs. It begins with the main male dog, Pongo, searching for a mate for his human and himself. He spots...

golden retriever dog sitting at front door with mail letters envelopes in mouth and no mailman mailwoman mail carrier

Why Do Dogs Bark At The Mailman Or Mailwoman?

Does your dog seem to hate the mail? If so, you're not alone in this. Many dog owners know all too well when the mail arrives at their house because their dogs...

Why Do Dogs Bark At The Mailman Or Mailwoman?

Does your dog seem to hate the mail? If so, you're not alone in this. Many dog owners know all too well when the mail arrives at their house because their dogs...

english bulldog dog bored boredom destructive

Bored Dog? Here's Why! Causes Of Dog Boredom An...

Did you know that, like humans, dogs can get bored? Dog boredom usually occurs when your pup isn't getting enough mental stimulation, physical exercise or enrichment. And when a dog...

Bored Dog? Here's Why! Causes Of Dog Boredom An...

Did you know that, like humans, dogs can get bored? Dog boredom usually occurs when your pup isn't getting enough mental stimulation, physical exercise or enrichment. And when a dog...

dog puppy playing play playtime squeaky toy rubber toys

Why Dogs Love Squeaky Toys And The Benefits The...

If your dog who loves playing with toys, squeaking is a noise that's probably far too familiar. The high-pitched sound that comes from squeaky toys can be pretty annoying to us...

Why Dogs Love Squeaky Toys And The Benefits The...

If your dog who loves playing with toys, squeaking is a noise that's probably far too familiar. The high-pitched sound that comes from squeaky toys can be pretty annoying to us...