Happy Tails Blog

golden retriever puppy dog checklist toy dog bed teething

Puppy Adoption Checklist: 30 Things For Your Ne...

So you've decided to get a puppy! Now you're wondering "what comes next?"  Bringing home a puppy is exciting but overwhelming, especially to first time owners. Fortunately, you're not the first person...

Puppy Adoption Checklist: 30 Things For Your Ne...

So you've decided to get a puppy! Now you're wondering "what comes next?"  Bringing home a puppy is exciting but overwhelming, especially to first time owners. Fortunately, you're not the first person...

golden retriever dog at vet with elizabethan collar cone surgery spay

10 Facts About Dog Heat Cycles And Spaying

It's estimated that over a million puppies are born each day. That number isn't as surprising when you take into account three factors. First, there are more than 900 million total dogs...

10 Facts About Dog Heat Cycles And Spaying

It's estimated that over a million puppies are born each day. That number isn't as surprising when you take into account three factors. First, there are more than 900 million total dogs...

close up of dog tongue licking mixed breed dog mutt pit bull mix funny pet portrait

10 Facts About Dog Teeth, Puppy Teeth And Dog S...

Dogs use their mouths for a lot of things - to eat, drink, lick and give us lots of puppy kisses. But there's more to their mouths than meets the eye. Here...

10 Facts About Dog Teeth, Puppy Teeth And Dog S...

Dogs use their mouths for a lot of things - to eat, drink, lick and give us lots of puppy kisses. But there's more to their mouths than meets the eye. Here...

siberian husky kissing young woman lady on hay bail outside at sunset

How To Tell Your Dog You Love Them In Ways They...

We love our dogs so much. They are truly part of the family. But because they don't speak our language, it's hard to tell them how much we love them....

How To Tell Your Dog You Love Them In Ways They...

We love our dogs so much. They are truly part of the family. But because they don't speak our language, it's hard to tell them how much we love them....

water spaniel dog united states presidents barack obama bo

The Dogs Of The U.S. Presidents

Did you know that Presidents' Day is based around first president of the United States birthday? George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 and the holiday was originally established in 1885. It became...

The Dogs Of The U.S. Presidents

Did you know that Presidents' Day is based around first president of the United States birthday? George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 and the holiday was originally established in 1885. It became...

yellow labrador retriever dog lying on human on couch heart health humans

6 Ways Dogs Can Improve Heart Health, Provide C...

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD), it is responsible for nearly 18 million global deaths per year, which is around 31%...

6 Ways Dogs Can Improve Heart Health, Provide C...

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. Also known as cardiovascular disease (CVD), it is responsible for nearly 18 million global deaths per year, which is around 31%...