white samoyed dog eating corn on the cob in mouth enjoying eating corn

What Vegetables Are Good For Dogs? Summer Vegetables Edition

We're well into summer, which means it's prime time for summer fruits and vegetables! The season's produce makes for quite the tasty snack to humans, but what about for your pup? Can dogs eat the same summer vegetables that we can? We've got the answers. Just remember that even if a food is safe for dogs to eat, it's best to feed it in moderation and with no seasoning or added sugar. Read on to find out what vegetables are good for dogs, summer vegetable edition!

1. Bell Peppers

Yes! In moderation.

Bell peppers are not only safe for dogs to eat, they also provide a variety of benefits. They are full of vitamins and minerals (like folate, potassium and beta-carotene) as well as antioxidants, which help fight free radical damage and even protect against cancer. Any color pepper will have nutritional value, but red bell peppers contain the highest amounts of vitamins and antioxidants. As with any human food, just make sure to feed your dog peppers in moderation. In addition, it's recommended that you remove the seeds and stem to make the peppers easier to digest. 

Pro Tip: Do not feed your dog spicy peppers, which contain capsaicin and can cause allergic reactions or serious gastrointestinal upset or damage.

2. Beets

Yes! In moderation.

Beets are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, all of which can help your dog's digestive and immune systems. But beets should be given in moderation, as too many can cause gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea or high blood sugar (so if your dog is diabetic, avoid feeding beets to him or her). In addition, some dogs have allergic reactions to beets, though this is a rare occurrence. Call your vet right away if you notice your dog having allergy symptoms (such as diarrhea, vomiting and itching) or acting odd after eating beets.

3. Corn

Yes! In moderation.

Corn is safe for dogs to eat, which is unsurprising given that lots of dog foods contain it. What may be more of a surprise is that corn actually has nutritional value for your dog. It's a good source of protein, carbohydrates, antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients. Just make sure your dog is not allergic to corn, as some dogs experience allergic reactions after eating it. In addition, don't feed your dog the cob because it's a choking hazard and, if swallowed, can cause intestinal blockages.

Pro Tip: Dogs can also have popcorn, as long a it's unsalted and unflavored. Plain air-popped popcorn is a light and natural treat that provides your dog with carbohydrates and fiber.

4. Eggplant

Yes! In moderation.

Eggplants are safe for dogs to eat but only in moderation. They are low-calorie but packed with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients like fiber and phytonutrients (which help fight several diseases). All that being said, eggplants are a type of nightshade vegetable and that means your dog could have an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an eggplant allergy include diarrhea, vomiting and itching. In addition, dogs with kidney issues or arthritis should avoid eggplant because they are nightshades. 

    5. Green Beans

    Yes! In moderation.

    Green beans are one of the best vegetables to feed your dog, as long as they are plain and unseasoned. This is because they are super low on calories but high on vitamins and minerals (such as iron and calcium), as well as protein and fiber. Green beans are a particularly good snack for overweight dogs. But because green beans are high in fiber, it's best to feed them in moderation to avoid an upset stomach or diarrhea.

    6. Lima Beans

    Yes! In moderation.

    Lima beans (also known as butter beans) are a fat-free, cholesterol-free plant-based protein that is safe for dogs to eat. They are rich in fiber, healthy carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. In addition, they are high in protein - one that contains the amino acids your dog’s body uses for building and repair. Just like with green beans, though, lima beans are high in fiber and should be given in moderation to avoid gastrointestinal upset or diarrhea.

    7. Okra

    Yes! In moderation

    This may be surprising, but okra is actually safe for dogs to eat. Okra are edible green seed pods found on a flowering plant in the mallow family. They contain lots of vitamins and minerals (such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, and folic acid) that support your dog’s immune, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. They also regulate blood sugar levels, which makes them good for dogs with diabetes, and fight cancer. But okra is best given in moderation, as too much can cause digestive issues. It's recommended that you feed your dog small amounts and not every day.

    Pro Tip: Some dogs may have a negative or allergic reaction to okra, so start by feeding your dog just a little and seeing how he or she reacts.

    8. Swiss Chard

    Yes! In moderation.

    Another potentially surprising vegetable that isn't toxic to dogs is Swiss chard. This leafy green veggie is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, along with other nutrients. These nutrients found in Swiss chard support the health of your dog's immune system, vision, liver, colon and more. However, due to its higher levels of fiber, Swiss chard is best in moderation. Otherwise you may see some digestive issues like upset stomach or diarrhea.

      9. Zucchini

      Yes! In moderation.

      Zucchini is not only safe for dogs, but is one of the best vegetables to feed them. This is because it's low-calorie, low-fat, low-cholesterol but packed with vitamins and minerals. Zucchini also has anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and lots of fiber. All of this combines to have a wide variety of health benefits, such as regulating digestion, reducing inflammation, lowering blood sugar and supporting eye health. But it's still important not to overfeed your dog zucchini because it contains fiber, which can cause digestive issues when consumed in excess. 

      Pro Tip: It's recommended that you cut-up zucchini before feeding it to your dog, as it may be a choking hazard for some. Also, make sure there's no seasoning on the zucchini you give to your pup.

      Want to learn more? Check out what Spring fruits and Spring vegetables your dogs can eat!

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