Happy Tails Blog

Why Dogs Bark And How To Deal With A Problem Ba...
Everybody knows that dogs bark, but not everyone knows why they do. The simple answer is that barking is how dogs communicate. But there's more to it when you dive deeper. Here...
Why Dogs Bark And How To Deal With A Problem Ba...
Everybody knows that dogs bark, but not everyone knows why they do. The simple answer is that barking is how dogs communicate. But there's more to it when you dive deeper. Here...

10 Breeds Suited For Apartment Life
Living the apartment life has lots of perks - it's financially friendly, it's safe, it's an instant community, you have access to lots of amenities, and maintenance is on the apartment company. But...
10 Breeds Suited For Apartment Life
Living the apartment life has lots of perks - it's financially friendly, it's safe, it's an instant community, you have access to lots of amenities, and maintenance is on the apartment company. But...

Why Is Socialization Important For My Dog?
Dogs are social creatures. After all, they did descend from pack animals. That being said, dogs today don't have the same opportunities to socialize, since they leave the litter for their forever homes. But being...
Why Is Socialization Important For My Dog?
Dogs are social creatures. After all, they did descend from pack animals. That being said, dogs today don't have the same opportunities to socialize, since they leave the litter for their forever homes. But being...

You May Be Hurting Your Dog’s Feelings Without ...
We are our dog’s entire world. Their whole lives revolve around us. So it’s not surprising that we can leave lasting emotional scars from negative experiences. And you don't have...
You May Be Hurting Your Dog’s Feelings Without ...
We are our dog’s entire world. Their whole lives revolve around us. So it’s not surprising that we can leave lasting emotional scars from negative experiences. And you don't have...

How To Help Your Puppy When He or She is Teething
So you have a new puppy! And while he or she is an adorable bundle of love, they're also teething. This phase of puppydom can be difficult to handle for you,...
How To Help Your Puppy When He or She is Teething
So you have a new puppy! And while he or she is an adorable bundle of love, they're also teething. This phase of puppydom can be difficult to handle for you,...

Why It’s Important to Play With Your Dog
Playing with your pups is a fun activity, but did you know it also has benefits for them? Not only does playtime relieve stress and boredom, but it also provides them...
Why It’s Important to Play With Your Dog
Playing with your pups is a fun activity, but did you know it also has benefits for them? Not only does playtime relieve stress and boredom, but it also provides them...