Happy Tails Blog

black Labrador retriever dog swimming with ball in mouth black lab dog canine hydrotherapy water therapy aquatic therapy

What Are The Benefits Of Swimming And Water The...

When it's time to exercise our dogs, most people turn to walking and maybe jogging or running. But what about swimming? Swimming is actually a great activity for dogs that...

What Are The Benefits Of Swimming And Water The...

When it's time to exercise our dogs, most people turn to walking and maybe jogging or running. But what about swimming? Swimming is actually a great activity for dogs that...

Siberian husky lying in autumn leaves pile of fallen leaves fall foliage orange

17 Dog Autumn Season Safety Tips For The Fall

Autumn is many people's favorite season. From the beautiful colors of changing leaves and sweater weather to delicious hot drinks and fun holidays, it's easy to see why. But not everything...

17 Dog Autumn Season Safety Tips For The Fall

Autumn is many people's favorite season. From the beautiful colors of changing leaves and sweater weather to delicious hot drinks and fun holidays, it's easy to see why. But not everything...

puppy brussels griffon dog bearded dog breeds with beards dogs with mustaches

45 Bearded Dog Breeds And Dogs With Mustaches

Did you know that "pogonophilia" is the love of beards? That may not be the most flattering name, but it's not uncommon. Good news for people who like both beards and dogs, you...

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45 Bearded Dog Breeds And Dogs With Mustaches

Did you know that "pogonophilia" is the love of beards? That may not be the most flattering name, but it's not uncommon. Good news for people who like both beards and dogs, you...

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mutt mixed breed dog Rottweiler mix on San Diego beach mission beach dog-friendly beaches beaches that allow dogs dog beach

16 Dog Beach Safety Tips For Dog-Friendly Beach...

Beaches are one of the most popular destinations in the world. In 2021, Newsweek reported that the United States Lifesaving Association estimated that more than 400 million Americans alone visit the beach every year. But humans...

16 Dog Beach Safety Tips For Dog-Friendly Beach...

Beaches are one of the most popular destinations in the world. In 2021, Newsweek reported that the United States Lifesaving Association estimated that more than 400 million Americans alone visit the beach every year. But humans...

women lying down relaxing in hammock with border collie dog

9 Ways To Relax And De-Stress With Your Dog

You may avoid taking time to relax because it makes you feel lazy, but the reality is that relaxation is actually quite important. This is because relaxing has been shown to improve our quality...

9 Ways To Relax And De-Stress With Your Dog

You may avoid taking time to relax because it makes you feel lazy, but the reality is that relaxation is actually quite important. This is because relaxing has been shown to improve our quality...

boxer dog working breed group working on typewriter taking notes with eyeglasses glasses frames

11 Working Dog Breeds You May Not Have Realized...

There are seven breed groups into which the American Kennel Club categorizes dogs: Herding, Hound, Non-Sporting, Sporting, Terrier, Toy and Working. Dogs in the Working Group were bred for a variety of jobs helping humans....

11 Working Dog Breeds You May Not Have Realized...

There are seven breed groups into which the American Kennel Club categorizes dogs: Herding, Hound, Non-Sporting, Sporting, Terrier, Toy and Working. Dogs in the Working Group were bred for a variety of jobs helping humans....